Learning Report
This week I worked with a lab technician, an employee at the microbiology room, and as well an employee in the hematology area.. While I was there, I was able to see at tissue samples, analyze urine and blood samples, and look at different areas in the lab.
What new knowledge or skill did you learn this week?
I learned about who a pathologist is and what they do in their career. I saw lab various lab equipment such as: hemoglobinometer, chemistry analyzer, coagulation machine, label printer, incubator, and a slide stainer. I also got to see a large machine that analyzes blood, and the employee I worked with explained to me how it functioned.
What was the best thing that happened at the unpaid work-base learning site this week?
The best thing that happened to me this week was just seeing all the interesting and different equipment.I was also able to go to the storage room, where body parts from the OR was stored. I saw body parts such as uteruses and gal bladders. I was also able to learn more about the blood and the different antigens, antibodies, etc that are associated with it.
What was the worst thing that happened at the unpaid work-base learning site this week?
Nothing bad happened the lab that day. I worked with very informative employees, and I was very amazed at the amount of information they knew.
This week was: Good
Although I was only in the lab for one day, I learned a lot just by talking to the employee in Hematology, as well as other employees.
Experience Record
Technology Observed: Hemoglobinometer: A whole blood hemoglobin assay is a device consisting or reagents, calibrators, controls, spectrophotometric instrumentation: used to measure the hemoglobin content of whole blood for the detection of anemia, coagulation machine: causes a transformation of a liquid or solid into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass; slide stainer: stains slides different colors to see what the different chemicals on there do.
Diagnostic Procedures Observed: Blood tests were done at the Lab, there were also urine samples.
Therapeutic Procedures Observed:No therapeutic procedures were observed in the lab.
Diseases Observed: No diseases were observed in the lab
Medical Termonology Encountered:The lab employees refer to the hemoglobinometer as the "hemo. analyzer".
Diseases Observed: No diseases were observed in the lab
Medical Termonology Encountered:The lab employees refer to the hemoglobinometer as the "hemo. analyzer".
In order to type and group blood, chemicals must be used. |
Experience Journal:
When I first walked into the Lab, I could turn either left or
right. To the right was the back of the lab where they do all the tests, and to the
left was the out patient area. I mainly worked with a lab technician and she
ran diagnostic test on urine, blood, and tissue samples. As a whole the
department they receive samples/orders from the OR and ER to run
diagnostic tests. One interesting piece of technology I saw was a hemoglobinometer. This is a device consisting of reagents, calibrators, controls, and spectrophotometric instrumentation used
to measure the hemoglobin content of whole blood for the detection
of anemia.
This generic device category does not include automated hemoglobin systems. I also got to see a coagulation machine. This machine causes a transformation of a liquid or solid into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass. In addition, I also saw a slide stainer. This object stains slides with different colors to see what the different chemicals on there do.
I saw a few people working in different areas of the back of the lab
running tests and observing samples. My employee was busy that day and had a lot of
work to get done, however she was able to explain what she was doing. The communication skills in this department department was pretty
well. The health care professionals get orders from the OR/ER to run tests. In this area, I noticed
that at least everyone had on gloves. They scan and run test on various
samples and determine what is wrong with the patient.
I learned how important the lab is ro the rest of the hospital. Before entering the lab, I had always thought that the ER and OR were
the most important. However, without the lab, those departments would never know whats
wrong with the patients. Some medical terminology I learned was ABO and rh D blood grouping. Although I was only in the lab for one day, my experience as a whole was very good. It gave me a new appreciation for the lab and the workers in this department. Even though the lab is a very informative department, I do not think this will benefit my future very much since I would not be comfortable sitting in the lab all day. Educationally, this will benefit me because now I have a broad and general idea about the blood and its grouping.